Other transaction requests should also perform better. Performasure and hibernate Ask Question. Because the bottleneck occurs before the transaction reaches the Servlet, it's likely that this is a configuration issue. When doing very detailed analysis, this is often a better way to look at the data. We can examine application server passivation and cached beans metrics and see that the entire cache is filled quickly, causing passivation to increase. performasure

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The Transaction Tree View is well suited to this type of problem, so it's a good starting point. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Download Presentation Connecting to Server. I have some pojos, which are mapped to a tables in database.


Figure 5 shows the portion pefformasure the tree that gets the bean, and the tooltip for the create method on the home class. The communications protocol, thresholds, and filtering patterns can be adjusted. The result is a seamless view of the behavior and performance of each transaction from web server to application server to database.

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Pet Store takes 6. The Workstation uses tooltips to disclose performance data as you point at nodes in the tree. The Transaction Tree View shows the execution path of transactions instantly highlighting performance hotspots. Whatever load generation tool you use, the key to good J2EE performance tuning is being able to reproduce the same load on your application over and over again.

At the bottom of the view is the transaction data in table form. Installing PerformaSure pfrformasure quite straightforward.

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Download Presentation Quest PerformaSure 3. Figure 1 A 3-tier system instrumented with Sitraka PerformaSure. The Transaction Time View identifies slow running transactions and responsible servers. That's a dramatic improvement.

Tool Report: Sitraka PerformaSure

QA has reported that the product details transaction performs particularly perrformasure. The PerformaSure Workstation provides a rich interface for viewing the performance data performaskre in the Session. Two significant problems are immediately visible in the product details transaction. Agents report to the PerformaSure Nexus. Other transaction requests should also perform better.

Agents specialize in the type of data they collect. The application we'll be analyzing is Sun's Pet Store application. A closer inspection of the EJB shows that the ejbCreate and ejbPassivate methods are being called a lot. Your source of Java performance news. Exclusive time is the amount of time spent in a single node.


Active 6 years, 3 months ago. We will focus the discussion on just one of PerformaSure's five viewers. Java Performance Training Courses. The tree is colored using the total time spent in each node, called the exclusive time of the node. Edit the SafeModeClasses entry in that file to perfor,asure a list of specific classes or packages. Java Performance Tuning Newsletter. The Nexus is responsible for collecting performance data from each Agent and storing it in a Session file.


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